Private Intuitive Session
November 18, 2024Advanced Mentoring
December 31, 2024Monthly Liminal Coaching
$200.00 – $2,500.00
One of the most helpful sources of support I offer is my Liminal Coaching Services. After completing The Hidden Roadmap Package that begins to radically shift your reality, the real work begins. It is here that we help you solidify new patterns, choices and perspectives to help ensure that you do not revert back to old dynamics and self sabotage. Leveraging real life challenges and circumstances, we will leverage weekly journeys and calls to gain additional insight to what else is coming up for healing, clearing and awareness. The connection, support and guidance gained here during our time together will help you gain traction and momentum in helping create a new and better version of yourself while also taking strides towards your big dreams and goals.
The Hidden Roadmap Package is very effective at being able to identify unseen blocks, restrictions, traumas and belief systems that keep one operating in a predictable and familiar manner. In becoming consciously aware of what these issues are while breaking the energetic bonds that keep things in tact over 5 sessions, we open up the space for brand new insights and experiences to unfold. In other words, we create a new foundation for a more empowered version of you to emerge that is able to experience new outcomes and achieve bigger dreams and goals that reside within.
Weekly coaching and journey work can make a huge difference in being able to track and see changes that are happening in real time. Leveraging situations that happen in you relationships at home, workplace, along with health and financial challenges, we can dive deeper to see what else is needing to be shifted, healed and supported to help you rise and grow to the next level. Together, we will uncover:
- New understandings around key themes that keep surfacing.
- Generational / Family patterns and wounds that reinforce disempowering dynamics.
- Blockages around prosperity and abundance.
- Unconscious fears, doubts and unhealthy belief systems that contribute to self sabotage.
- Pieces of oneself that need mending and support to work in a healthy and aligned way to manifest new outcomes.
- What illusions and delusions are in play that keep one from seeing the true nature of what is actually happening.
- Pathways to creating and establishing healthy boundaries.
- Different perspectives on progress, growth, healing and change.
As incremental changes are made, together we will help nurture and foster the next version of you to stand in your power and pursue your unfulfilled goals, dreams and ambitions.
Duration | 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months, 12 Months |
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